Compassion and Social Justice are core values at Terry Reilly.
That’s why we strive to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace where everyone can feel a sense of belonging.
Using correct gender pronouns helps foster that culture. When patients come to Terry Reilly, it’s one of the first questions we ask.
Gender pronouns are the words people use to refer to themselves – he, she, and they are the most familiar ones. But there are others.
Most of us have never had to think twice about someone using the incorrect gender pronoun but imagine if it happened frequently. A person might feel excluded or alienated.
Studies have found that being misgendered and/or misnamed can leave a person feeling disrespected, misunderstood, invalidated, or excluded. Meanwhile, affirming a transgender person's pronouns can help lower depression and raise self-esteem and well-being. You can read more here:
We’re working to normalize the conversation. One of the simplest things we can do is add our gender pronouns to our email signatures.
Want to do more?
When meeting someone for the first time, ask, “What are your gender pronouns?” Never assume based on someone’s appearance.
When doing icebreakers at work, have people introduce themselves by name, company role, and gender pronouns.
Add gender pronouns on your LinkedIn, Zoom, or Teams profile.
What if I use the wrong pronoun?
Simply make a quick correction. “Sorry, I meant they.” Or contact the person later and apologize.
Thank you for helping us work toward the goal of creating a workplace that fosters an inclusive culture where everyone feels welcome.
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