Safe Space

What does Safe Space mean to us?
We respect and honor all people.

What can a Safe Space Patient Navigator help you with?
This specially trained person will maintain your privacy and:
Take time and learn about your unique health issues and communication needs
Answer questions about our complete medical, dental, behavioral health, and pharmacy services
Connect you with a provider who has the expertise and compassion to best serve your unique needs
Make an appointment for you
Walk you through insurance enrollment or options for payment
How do I contact the Safe Space Patient Navigator?
It all begins with a simple email to SafeSpace@trhs.org
You’ll get a response within 24 hours and set up a time to discuss your needs or concerns. You can meet in-person, by phone or virtually – whatever your preference and comfort level allows. The Safe Space navigator will give you a clear path forward for the care you want and need here at Terry Reilly.
We want your wellness journey to be a positive experience that is private, non-judgmental, and respectful of your unique life situation.